The two organisms Productions Yves Léveillé (PYL) and Productions Félix Stüssi (ProFéSt) join forces with sommelier Guénaël Revel, aka Monsieur Bulles, and the cheese-merchant Yannick Achim to present you an extraordinary evening of musical and culinary delights. Here the menu:
19h: Tasting of a fizzy Prosecco, accompanied by a first assorted cheese and the home-baked baguettes of Félix Stüssi.
20h: Concert of pianist-composer Yves Léveillé & L’Échelle du temps, a string quintet comprised of Vanessa Marcoux (1st violin), Geneviève Clermont (2nd violin), Jean René (viola), Sophie Coderre (cello) and Étienne Lafrance (acoustic bass). In perfect harmony with the strings, Léveillé creates a fascinating equilibrium of written parts and improvisations. The resulting music is both introspective and energetic.
20h 45: Guénaël Revel sabers the Champagne and Yannick Achim présents his second cheese.
21h 15: concert of SuperNova 4, a quartet with Jean Derome (saxophones, flûtes & composition), Félix Stüssi (piano & composition), Normand Guilbeault (acoustic bass) et Pierre Tanguay (drums). This band invites you to step into their supersonic rocket which will carry you to musical galaxies yet to be discovered.
22h: Tasting of a cuvée prestige and a third cheese.
Join us for this unique musical and gastronomic feast which will be magnified by the exquisite art-deco-atmosphere of the Lion d’Or!
Fee: 75$ per person or 480$ for a table of eight.
Tickets : https://lepointdevente.com/billets/792241013001
Infos : www.felixstussi.com
Contact: jazzix@videotron.ca

Winter-Spring 2025, Yves Léveillé will be in residnecy at Outremont theater in Montreal.
8e year of theS series: Bourdonnements Jazz!
Prestigious guests: Alison Au, Daniel Mille, Pierre Tanguay, Frank Lozano, Roberto Murray and many others. Follow us!

Prix Opus du Québec:
Winner: Creation of the year
+ two nominations: Jazz album of the year / Jazz concert of the year / Creation of the year
Gala on February 5th 23
The album of the pianist and composer was launched in April 2022, several critics (national and international) praise the work of the musician and his colleagues.
A video recorded at Piccolo studio on October 3, 22 is available on the web.
* Recently nominated in the category of best jazz album at the Adisq (October 2022)
An immediate, introspective, energetic music, which feeds and flourishes in the temporality and its opposite.

L'échelle du temps form pianist and composer Yves Léveillé is on tour in houses of culture in Montreal, autumn 23 and winter/ spring 24.
This project is made possible thanks to the council of arts of Montreal.
Others concerts will be presented at the autumn 24 and spring 25 in Quebec!
Stay tuned!

The Trio En Trois Couleurs has just recorded a video at Piccolo studio of their most beautiful music, the document is presented to the music lover on the web!
The trio will be in residency at Offord cultural center in February 2025. The Trio will record a new CD just after (Atma Classique).
A tour in China is in preparation for June 25!
Stay tune!